1 Minute Chart Bitcoin Trading Stratgy Data Analysis

Let's import all necessary libraries and read the data!

Is the data format adequate? I used Pandas .dtypes to know what type of data is in the csv file.

There is no need to have the first row on the data set, since it doesn'r represent a trade itself and would distort the averages and further calculations. I use Panda's .iloc in order to drop rows.

Plot 1

Portfolio Value Over 30 Days in Euros

Plot 2

Percentaje of Wins and Loses in Positions taken First I need to calculate how many positions generated profit (.gt(0) --> greater than Zero) and how many generted loses (.lt(0) --> lower than Zero). A data frame is created in order to plot it.

In order to create the next plot, a new data frame is created where we can observe in one column the average benefit each day and another colum where the total average benefit is showed.

Plot 3

Average Benefits Obtained each Day & Total Average in €

Final calculations for the Return Of Investment over the 30 days, a posible Annual Percentage Yield and the average number of positions taken every day.